Monday, June 17, 2013

Swim Lessons

After Ryland took an unexpected swim, we knew he needed to freshen up his swimming skills.  We were lucky enough to get into Mrs. Sue's swim lessons after a close friend called in a favor.  The first day was a little nuts but something clicked for Ryland.  He is in love with Mrs. Sue, and he can't wait to go back again.
After swimming like fishes, the boys were rewarded with a treat of their choice.  Today their selection was a Tootsie Pop.  Yummy!
We came home and had a light lunch, and we went right outside to practice. I followed Mrs. Sue's example, and I was shocked when the boys did exactly what I told them to do. Within minutes, I had convinced Ryland to jump in and swim with his face in the water all the way to the steps.  I even got him coming up for a breath.  I was amazed! 
We were having so much fun playing in the pool, we didn't even hear Daddy pull up in the driveway.  He walked out the backdoor to surprise us, and we surprised him.  The look of shock on his face was priceless.  He wanted to know what happened at swim.  He was so proud of Ryland's progress! 

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