Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Ouch! That is the only way I can even begin to describe today. I woke up at 3AM with a terrible earache. I took some medicine to try to get back to sleep, but I was unsuccessful. As soon as Ryland woke up, we headed to the urgent care clinic to see a doctor.
I felt so silly writing down my problems. Ear, congestion, cough - then I made the change to EAR!, congestion, cough. The doctor came in to examine me, and he asked about the medicine I had taken overnight. I told him I took a Vicadin that was left over from when I had Ryland. He made a funny little face and said "Vicadin for an earache". I wanted to slap him, but instead I just said "Yep".
He then looked in my hear, stepped back and said "How many Vicadin do you have left?" I told him probably around 4 or 5. He said "You are going to need some more". Duh! He then told me what I already knew was coming. He predicted that my eardrum would rupture do to a severe sinus infection. He gave me more Vicadin for pain and an antibiotic for the infection.
Of course my eardrum did rupture a couple of hours later. It is a funny feeling when your ear starts running and oozing. What was so scary about this time, is that I lost most of my hearing this time. I have ruptured both eardrums before, but I never had hearing loss like this. I am extremely concerned and very upset. Cross your fingers and say a prayer that it comes back.

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