Sunday, October 23, 2011

Making a pirate ship

Somewhere in the discussion of Halloween costumes for this year a pirate ship came up. I thought it would be cute and easy since the boys were dressing up as pirates. I had envisioned a cardboard ship attached to the red wagon. John Chris and I talked about it, and he mentioned he had the perfect box at work.He brought the box home, and I quickly realized it was bigger than I was thinking. A LOT BIGGER!

John Chris and I had several discussions on how to attach the box to the wagon. At one point he even thought we could build the ship around the double stroller.
I finally had to build what I was thinking while he was constructing an arc. I say constructing because he had started using a saw and air compressor to build the platform. I had to start laughing because about this time the warm sun was gone, and the clouds had started rolling in. I asked if I should start expecting pairs of animals. He thought my sarcasm was funny too. We had a great laugh, and then decided cardboard and duck tape would suffice.

A preview of what is to come. The hull of the ship is finished, so we will start working on the details this week. We did a trial run in the boys' pirate costumes, because I thought I was going to have to hem them before Halloween. To our surprise, they both fit perfect.

Reed loves the pirate ship and costume!

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