Saturday, April 5, 2014


We all had a fantastic time at Trevor's wedding!  My hubby cleaned up nicely, and it was great to see him dressed up.  All the kiddos did very well during the wedding, and they had a great time at the reception.  They were a huge hit with the crowd.  Everyone had a fit over little Miss Ridley.  She was told about a million times that she was so beautiful, pretty, and sweet.  I love the look on her face when I said "smile" for this picture.  It was obvious the diva was worn out.

Dancing and running around the dance floor for hours really wears some boys out!  Ryland and Reed were the cutest little guys there, and they little girls were flirting like crazy with them.  As you can tell, Reed didn't want to stop dancing.  He was on a roll.

As the newlyweds left the museum, we all showered them with bird seeds.  The massive amount  of excess bird seed was then the perfect thing for the kids to play in afterwards. 

We all had a wonderful time, and I am so proud of my family.

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