Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sam Moon field trip

Lindsey, Sarah, and myself were talking about Sam Moon over the weekend, and Sarah commented that she had never been. We decided to make it a field trip. It was pretty challenging to get all the car seats installed, strollers folded, diaper bags packed, babies strapped in, and mommies buckled up. We drove out to the new store that just opened on our side of town. After several unloading minutes and diaper changes, we were ready to go and check it out.
None of us could find anything that we just had to have. Ha!
So back to the car we went. We all loaded back in and headed back to the house. It was funny because I swear it took us longer to load and unload than we actually spent in the store. I could not imagine have 3 little ones of my own. Total craziness!

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