Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Perot Museum

The Perot Museum opened a few months ago, and I have been looking forward to taking the boys.  It was cold and rainy, so it was the perfect day to play inside.  The children's area was awesome.  It is complete with a camping area, building site, art station, and lots more.

After having a ton of fun in the children's area, we went upstairs to check out the cool permanent displays.  Reed was impressed with the dinos, and he couldn't stop talking about how big they were.

Ryland's favorite area was the exhibition on space.  He was completely amazed and didn't want to leave.  It had been a few hours of exploring, so Reed was about to melt down.  It was hard to pull them out of the museum.  As soon as we loaded the truck and pulled out of the parking garage, Ryland asked when we could come back. 

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