Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Slow Down

I am trying my best to juggle three little ones, the house, work, life, and the list goes on...  I still haven't quite found my stride yet, but my little helper, Ridley, loves to help slow me down.  Today,  I spent most of the day holding Ridley, while the boys were at mothers' day out.  Even when she falls asleep, I just can't put her down.  I think about how quickly the boys grew out of the baby stage, and I just want to savor this a little bit longer.  
I know this will make the nights a little later for me, but it is worth it.  My house is a mess.  I have on exercise clothes, and I haven't been to workout.  I am way behind on things, but I think I will sit and cuddle a bit longer.

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