Today's visit to Dr. McCoy was more than a little rough. It was the dreaded 4 year well check appointment, and I had been warned.
Ryland was 39.8 pounds which is 79.10 percentile, and he was 41.75 inches tall which is 79.67 percentile. He passed the hearing and vision tests without a problem too. He is developmentally on track and physically performed all the "tricks" the doctor asked him to do. The only thing left to do was a little blood test and four shots.
Ryland did great at giving a little blood. He said ouch when the needle went in but was quickly over it. He even watched as they filled the tube. The big problem was all those shots. He refused to pull his pants down, and he fought me to keep them up, all while screaming, "NO MOMMY, NO, NO, NO!" The first two shots caused shrieks, and the next two caused all out hollering. Then it was over. He stopped crying the second I told him we were leaving.
The nurse gave him two suckers, and he stopped by the front desk for a sticker. I promised ice cream afterwards, and Ryland selected Milwaukee Joe's in Town Square. He wanted to pick up Reed before we went for ice cream, and we met Daddy there too. Not a bad ending to a rough afternoon.