Thursday, July 15, 2010

House showing

Of course this would happen while I was out of town. Our REALTOR called to see if she could show our home, and I am out of town. Yikes! There was no way I was going to say no, but I was really nervous that John Chris would leave a mess. I stressed how important it was that the house was clean, picked up, and together. I maybe went a little overboard on all of my directions, and by the 3rd phone call of reminders he told me to back off.

After the showing, our REALTOR called with great news. The lady loved our home, and she asked lots of the "right" questions. How much earnest money? How soon can we close? What are the utility bills? Etc. I was told to expect an offer in the next few days. The only possible problem was if she could get her financing taken care of while she was in the US. Cross your fingers! Come on St. Joseph!

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