Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sweet mornings

I have never been a morning person, and I still don't think I really am. I do love the mornings these days. I just love picking Ryland up out of bed and seeing how excited he is to see me. It just melts my heart.
Every morning when we hear Ryland wake up Cooper and I go upstairs to pick up little Mr. Sunshine. He giggles and stretches, and it is just so darn adorable. He always hands me Itsy and his blanket. I pick him up for a morning hug and kiss, and he throws Itsy back in bed. We head down for breakfast and some silly time. I love it, almost to fault, because we usually play too long and have to hurry to get ready to get out of the house. Those 30-45 minutes of fun quickly turn into complete craziness. Ahh, I do love the mornings.

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